MF3 provides a wellspring of information and tips on transforming your homestyles, and improving your home furniture and furnishing needs.
When people build a new home or renovate their current home, they tend to ignore the opportunity of a walkin wardrobe. Instead, they fixate on the size of the bathrooms and the ensuite and don’t give a second thought to the size of their wardrobes. This is the perfect time to consider the type of wardrobe you will need and what your storage needs are. Walk-in wardrobes are ideal for use as a dressing room, placing a chest of drawers and mirror. Depending on the size of the walk-in wardrobe you may also wish to have a chair to sit while putting on your shoes. Walk-in wardrobes are so versatile when compared to the confinements of a built in wardrobe. The walkin wardrobe has a lot of wall space that can be shelved floor to ceiling.
Obviously, walk in wardrobes do take up more space than a regular wardrobe, but in reality, the size of your wardrobe is just as important as the size of your ensuite.
If we think of your ensuite for a moment, you don’t want a teeny, tiny shower cubicle where you bang your elbows on the glass shower screens and you can’t bend over without hitting the wall. This would drive you nuts every morning when you are getting ready to go to work.
Well, the same applies to your walkin wardrobe, because you don’t want all of your clothes and accessories jammed in so tight that everything is creased and you can’t find anything anyway. So let’s look at 5 benefits of installing walk in wardrobes in your home:
So if you are thinking about building your own home or renovating your current home, give some serious thought to including walk in wardrobes into your plans. We all deserve a little slice of indulgence every now and again! The walk-in wardrobe is wardrobe heaven.